Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Trick or Treating

Our Little Trick or Treater
Andy and Taylor at Door

What a fun night. Taylors first time out as a Trick or Treater. So cute in her costume. She was knocking on doors, often jumping the gun and saying "trick or treat" even before the door opened. Hard decisions had to be made when the bowl was offered and she had to make the pick of which candy she would pick.
She was a so friendly and a little snoop. Peering in the house's past the owner who opened the door. Greeting the many dogs who were helping their owners.
(I wish many dog owners would have been more careful about their dogs rushing the door. Most were over joyed to see us, some were very pushy pulling past owners to get out to us and one growled at my witch's hat. And I couldn't believe how many had carelessly left their cats outside. Unfortunately Halloween Night is a dangerous time for pets).
We were out from Dusk to Dark, a unbelievable 2 hours on the streets of Redmond. And Taylor walked the whole way and wanted to "Get more candy", even as we were heading home.
Jodie carried darling Paige Olivia in a "Snuggle Bag" on her chest. She fussed a bit, then fell asleep through the rest of the trip. Andy took alot of pictures of the trip, can't wait to see them. His pockets were full as he emptied Taylor's little jack o lantern pail. It was filled to overflowing many times.
Annette had really done a great job on her make up as a witch. Taylor wasn't to sure about Annette's, warty, big witch's nose. Even at the house she greeted her Grandma, but gave a hint she was wondering if that really was her beloved Grandma. But there was no worry about holding Annette's hand to go to the lighted doors.
What a great time. Thank you for inviting me:)
One funny note, I had been in WAL MART 2 months ago when they first had displayed the costumes. I immediately fell in love with a gorgeous witch's hat, with a feathered sparkly brim. I would wear it everyday its so pretty. And a cool cape.

Guess what Annette had bought the exact same hat. Too funny.

1 comment:

  1. It was a fun night for sure! Made even more special by Aunt Rhonda. I think Taylor's 1st trick or treat experience was a BIG success!
